FatimaÆs Prophecies

St. Lucia wrote the 3rd. memoir on 31st. August 1941. This was in three parts.
The first revealed a vision of Hell, where God offered a remedy for Salvation of Souls.
The second, of the miraculous peace that God wishes to give the World.
The third, has been kept secret to this very day. And this would be the most interesting one for us to know. Some believe that other Prophecies in visions in other parts of the World may have revealed the contents of this 3rd part of the Fatima vision.

Russia apparently has a major part in it. Also the Middle Eastern countries of Israel and Egyptian nations. The Popes have refused to make public the contents. Why ?
Are the contents so horrifying that the church does not wish to panic its members?
Or, If the Prophecies do not come to pass, the Church would be made a fool of ?
Or, they may have their own doubts about the Prophecies ? Apparently, the Prophecies to date have proven to come true, so human fear of its contents can be assumed to be the reason for their secrecy. It is said that the 3rd. and secret prophecy can be revealed by reading RevelationÆs in the Bible.

Signs of The Times.

Let us firstly look at some of the æ signs æ associated with religious meaning.
Some that come to mind are;
Lismore N.S.W.- A tomb stone cross in a Lismore cemetery began to æ glow æ a white light several nights in a row. A photograph of this æglowingÆ cross was published in the ôNorthern Starö newspaper.
Sydney - A idol of Jesus had tears rolling out of its eyes. Shown on Sydney T.V.
An Icon of Jesus had an oil substance oozing from its surface.
Western Australia - A large rock had the face of Jesus mysteriously etched into its surface, and was later stolen from its location. Shown on T.V.
In India, religious idols ( even metal ones ) would drink milk from a teaspoon. Shown on T.V.
This is only a few of what must be happening around the World. But why ?
It seems that God if saddened by us, otherwise, why the tears ?
There is something happening here, this is why we must open our eyes to all relevant aspects of what is occurring around the World. It is all interconnected one way or another.
The 3rd. Fatima Prophecy is associated with UFO activity by some.

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